Sunday, October 19, 2008

How To Be (part 2)

Oh did I forget to mention that the cast of this film was exceptional? Ha yes I did on purpose so that I could talk about Robert Pattinson and the fact that he is a quality actor. Because believe it or not he has been in movies where he's not some kind of mythical creature or toting a wand. I know, hard to believe right?

In How To Be he's not attractive he's down right scruffy, gritty, greasy, dirty and anything but charming. Awkward sentences from a mind swirling with ideas mixed with the inability to communicate his emotions combines to create his character. His ability to detract from his good looks and create the character of Art is exceptional. I would have never seen the Twilight version of Robert Pattinson that the world is currently revolving around.

Art is just so awkward that you can't help but be uncomfortable around him even if you are just viewing him on screen. The ability to project that awkwardness onto the audience takes some talent. I've seen it in Michale Cera but Robert Pattinson really does know what he's doing because Cera has never been this awkward.

Pattinson said that had he not been awarded the role in this film he was looking at quitting acting. What, no!

So a big thank you to Oliver Irving, the director, for casting the boy, you don't want to waste this talent. If Rob keeps making vampire movies I'm sure he'll make some bank but if he continues to make films like this I think he might get some real credit from the peers of his craft.


Anonymous said...

"In How To Be he's not attractive he's down right scruffy, gritty, greasy, dirty and anything but charming. Awkward sentences from a mind swirling with ideas mixed with the inability to communicate his emotions combines to create his character."

that is rob lol.
in the trailer, he oozes awkwardness. i really can't wait to see this film. i hope it's screened in florida.

Tess said...

Fantastic Review! (In total)

thank you so much for sharing. The awkwardness he instill in his character is my favorite part and I can't wait to see this film